30.11.2022Keeping our established tradition, we’d like to respond to your request regarding our market outlook on Q1 / 2023 and share our forecasts with you.
Read MoreThe experience of professionals and expert opinions: comparison of types of packaging, solutions for various industries, optimisation and saving of resources, legislation and industry standards, environmental protection.
Keeping our established tradition, we’d like to respond to your request regarding our market outlook on Q1 / 2023 and share our forecasts with you.
Read MoreRight after the summer break we would like to update you about the wooden market situation and to provide you our outlook on Q4/2022. Price reductions for almost all wood product units can be observed both in Europe and the USA. However, birch plywood shows a different trend, its prices are increasing.
Read MoreMeanwhile it became a well-known tradition that KRONUS shares its experience and expertise on the current market situation. Therefore, below you will find some new information and market trends we consider for Q3 / 2022.
Read MoreAs Edmunds Beļskis, Chairman of the Council of AS “Latvijas valsts meži”, mentioned in a recent la.lv interview – Woodworkers will not be left without raw material! He also emphasised that it would be worthwhile for Latvia to change the laws and regulations that would allow for increasing the production of both timber and energy wood.
Read MoreAs market situation keeps us excited and challenges us day by day, we’d like to keep you informed about the ongoing situation on the market and support you in your decision process for packaging purchases.
Read MoreAlready last year, the timber market was characterized by a sharp increase in prices. Given the geopolitical situation earlier this year, prices continue increasing due to sanctions imposed against Russia.
Read MoreAs usual, we’d like to keep you informed about the ongoing situation on the market and provide you our forecast on wooden market for March and April 2022.
Read MoreFirst, we wish all of you a healthy and successful start in 2022. As usual, we’d like to provide you our forecast on wooden market for January and Q1/2022.
Read MoreThe situation in Q4 2021 allows to suggest two possible scenarios for the coming year. According to the experts, one of the possible scenarios in Q1 2022 is that we will see further drop in raw material prices, unless global supply chain issues are solved. The second scenario predicts stabilization of the prices at their current level. Look into our market review to find out why experts expect this trends and what the situation is like now.
Read MoreThe situation in the timber and steel markets has been volatile since the beginning of 2021. We at KRONUS have learned how to manage in these extraordinary conditions and we will continue honouring our agreements with our customers in June and July 2021.
Read MoreMost wood market experts believe Q2 will be the most challenging quarter in history in terms of availability and price changes. Find out why.
Read MoreWe believe that in such turbulent times it is quite difficult to keep track of latest market developments. Therefore, we keep our tradition and provide you our view on the wooden market.
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